Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

How To Write Business Leter

1. Use block style - do not indent paragraphs.
2. Include address of the person you are writing to at the top of the letter, below
your company address.
3. After the address, double space and include date.
4. Double space (or as much as you need to put the body of the letter in the center)
and include the salutation. Include Mr. for men or Ms for women, unless the
recipient has a title such as Dr.
5. State a reference reason for your letter (i.e. 'With reference to our telephone
6. Give the reason for writing (i.e. 'I am writing to you to confirm our order...')
7. Make any request you may have (i.e. 'I would be grateful if you could include a
8. If there is to be further contact, refer to this contact (i.e. 'I look forward to
meeting you at...')
9. Close the letter with a thank you (i.e. 'Thank you for your prompt help...')
10.Finish the letter with a salutation (i.e. 'Yours sincerely,')
11.Include 4 spaces and type your full name and title.
12.sign the letter between the salutation and the typed name and title

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